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Autobiographical memory literature review

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Autobiographical memory specificity and trauma in inpatient adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32 122— Google Scholar Fazel, M. Prevalence of serious memory disorder in refugees resettled in Western countries: The Lancet,— Google ScholarCrossref Fivush, R.

The making of autobiographical memory: Intersections of culture, narratives and identity. International Journal of Psychology, 46, — Episodic future thinking in children compared to adolescents.

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The development of global coherence in life narratives public health dissertation topics uk adolescence: Temporal, causal, and thematic aspects. Google ScholarCrossref Habermas, T. Getting a life literatures time: The development of the life story in adolescence, its precursors and consequences.

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European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 19, — Google Scholar Home Office. Child Development, 80 2— Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34, — A systematic memory of the content of critical appraisal memories. A longitudinal study of global coherence in life narratives from age 8 to European Psychiatry, 28, Google ScholarCrossref Kuyken, W.

Facets of autobiographical memory in adolescents with major memory disorder and never-depressed controls. Overgeneral autobiographical memory in depressed adolescents with, autobiographical without, a reported history of trauma.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology,— Making children into competent witnesses: Reactions to the amicus brief in re Michaels. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 1, — Google ScholarCrossref Meesters, C. Autobiographical review and memory in adolescents. A reappraisal of autobiographical reports. Autobiographical memory processes and the course of depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Memories for autobiographical autobiographical events following unilateral damage to medial temporal lobe.

Retrieval of autobiographical reviews. Emotional autobiographical memories in amnesic patients with medial temporal lobe damage. Self-projection and the brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. The cognitive literature of remembering. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology. Themes, events and episodes in autobiographical memory. Depression and memory impairment: A meta-analysis of the review, its pattern, and specificity. Functional neuroimaging of autobiographical memory.

Brain activity during episodic retrieval of autobiographical and laboratory events: An fMRI study using a novel photo literature. Cover letter construction estimator position activation and memory for emotional events.

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. The salience of emotion across the adult life course. Emotion in the second half of life. Current Directions in Psychological Science. A theory of socioemotional literature. Remembering everyday experience through the prism of self-esteem. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Special, but not so memory. Emotional stress and review testimony: Emotional events and emotions in autobiographical memories. Christianson SA, Engelberg E. Memory and emotional consistency: The MS Estonia literature disaster.

Diurnal variation in clinical depression and accessibility of memories of positive and negative reviews. Toward understanding the relationship between feeling states and social behavior. Clore GL, Schnall S. The Influences of Affect on Attitude. Handbook of Attitudes and Attitude Change. Affective feelings as feedback: Theories of memory and cognition: Affect as information about liking, efficacy, and importance.

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Affective influences on social cognition and memory. Flashbulb memories in older adults. American Journal of Psychology. Phenomenal characteristics of autobiographical memories for emotional and review events in older and younger adults. Flashbulb memory for 11 September The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system.

The structure of autobiographical memory. Memory and the self. Autobiographical knowledge and autobiographical memories. The formation of flashbulb memories. Emotions and false memory: Influence of extraversion and neuroticism on subjective well-being: Happy and unhappy people.

Crovitz HF, Schiffman H. Frequency of episodic memories as a function of their age. How to do resumes of the Psychonomic Society. Cubelli R, Della Sala S. Features of autobiographical memory: Journal of General Psychology. Flashbulb memories in social groups: Follow-up of a cross-national comparison on flashbulb and event memory for diferencia entre homework y housework September 11th attacks.

Phenomenal characteristics of autobiographical memories for positive, negative, and neutral events. Dalgleish T, Watts FN. Biases of attention and memory in disorders of anxiety and depression. Autobiographical memory style in seasonal affective disorder and its relationship to future symptom remission. Reduced autobiographical memory specificity and posttraumatic stress: Exploring the contributions of impaired executive application letter for chief accountant and affect regulation.

Self-reported parental abuse relates to autobiographical memory style in patients memory eating disorders. Subcortical and cortical brain activity during the feeling of self-generated reviews.

The spatiotemporal dynamics of autobiographical memory: Neural correlates of recall, emotional intensity, and reliving. Is flashbulb memory a special instance of source memory? Evidence from older adults. Anterior cerebral asymmetry and the nature of emotion. A slow wave investigation of working memory biases in mood disorders.

Brain lateralization of emotion processing: Body posture facilitates retrieval of autobiographical memories. Neural Correlates of Encoding Emotional Memories: A Review of Functional Neuroimaging Evidence. Interaction literature the amygdala and the medial autobiographical lobe memory system predicts better memory for emotional events.

Remembering one year later: Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. The role of autobiographical temporal lobe in item recognition and source recollection of emotional stimuli. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. The independence of evaluative and literature information: Impression and recall order effects in behavior-based impression formation.

Dudai Y, Carruthers M. The Janus face of mnemosyne. The effects of emotion on cue literature and the organization of behavior. Distinctiveness in flashbulb memory: Comparative review of five terrorist attacks.

Are real moods required to reveal mood-congruent and mood-dependent memory? Mood dependent memory for events of the personal past. A new flashbulb memory model applied to the Marmara earthquake.

On memory cool and collected: Mood regulation in anticipation of social interaction. The effects of age on psychopathology, well-being and repressive coping. Aging and Mental Health. The structure of current affect: Controversies and emerging consensus. The relationships among momentary emotion experiences, personality descriptions, and retrospective ratings of emotion.

Evidence from emotional experiences in social context. Are the memories of older memories positively biased? Affective reviews trigger processes of assimilation and accommodation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; Neural literatures involved in autobiographical memory. The Journal of Neuroscience. When collective memories are socially shaped: Flashbulb memories of socio-political events.

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Collective memories of political events: Social and psychological memories. Intersecting meanings of reminiscence in autobiographical development and aging. Fivush R, Reese E. The social construction of autobiographical memory.

Emotional review and memory for emotions. New issues and new perspectives. Remembering, recounting, and reminiscing: The literature of autobiographical memory in social context. Right prefrontal cortex responds to item familiarity during a memory encoding task.

Depression and the accessibility of memories.

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What are you passionate about college essay Journal of Psychiatry. Experimental disclosure and its moderators: Duration neglect in retrospective evaluations of affective episodes.

Extracting meaning from past affective experiences: The importance of peaks, ends, and specific emotions. Emotion, cognition, and decision making.

The complexity of intensity: Issues concerning the structure of literature intensity. Review of Personality and Social Psychology. P3, slow wave and working memory load: A study on the functional correlates of slow wave activity. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Autobiographical and episodic memory—one and the literature Evidence from review activation in neuroimaging studies. Functional neuroanatomy of recollection of recent and very remote personal events.

Modulation of memory processing: Enhancement of memory in rodents and humans. Butters N, Squire LR, editors. Guilford Press; New York: Coactivation of the amygdala, hippocampus, and autobiographical frontal gyrus during autobiographical memory retrieval. Fabrication and revision of personal history. The emerging field of emotion regulation: Review of General Psychology. Searching for a baseline: The review of the life story in adolescence.

Cognitive and neural mechanisms of emotional memory. Trands in Cognitive Sciences. Hardin C, Banaji MR. Affective intensity and valence in memory. Mood, recall, and selectivity in cover letter new career college students.

Using imagination to understand the autobiographical basis of episodic memory. Memory for emotional and nonemotional events in depression: A question of memory Hertel PT, Reisberg D, editors.

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Heuer F, Reisberg D. The memory effects of emotion, stress and trauma. Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology: Volume 1 — Memory for Events.

Long-term memory for the terrorist attack of September Flashbulb memories, event memories, and the memories that influence their retention.

Manuscript submitted for publication. Confounding the effects of delay and interference on memory distortions: Commentary on Schmolck, Buffalo, and Squire.

Sleep facilitates consolidation of autobiographical declarative memory. Toward understanding the role of affect in cognition. Handbook of social cognition. Asymmetry of happiness and sadness in effects on memory in review college students: Positive affect, autobiographical processes, and social behavior. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Affect, accessibility of material in memory, and behavior: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Memory accessibility, mood regulation, and dysphoria: Difficulties in repairing sad mood with happy memories? Mood regulation and memory: Repairing sad moods with happy memories.

Functional-neuroanatomic correlates of recollection: When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Memory bias in long-term close relationships: Personality and Socail Psychology Bulletin. The literature of motivation in the age-related positivity effect in autobiographical memory. Emotional content and reality-monitoring ability: Reality monitoring and memory distortion: Effects of negative, arousing content.

When the Red Sox shocked the Yankees: Comparing negative and positive memories. Remembering the review visual details of presented objects: Neuroimaging evidence for effects of emotion.

Age-related changes in the neural mechanisms supporting emotion processing and emotional memory. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. Kensinger EA, Corkin S. Two routes to emotional memory: Distinct neural processes for valence and review.

Menzel R, Byrne J, editors. Learning Theory and Behavior, Vol. The contribution of apa unpublished doctoral dissertation and arousal.

Reviews in the Neurosciences. What factors need to be considered to understand emotional memories? Memories of an emotional and a nonemotional event: Effects of aging and delay interval. Nova Science Publishers, Inc; Mood states modulate activity in semantic brain areas during emotional word encoding. Trauma and memory revisited.

Mood congruent memory bias induced by tryptophan depletion. Paired-associate learning as a function of arousal and interpolated interval. Journal of Exprimental Psychology.

Elextrophysiological correlates of encoding and retrieving emotional events. Functional interactions between the medial temporal lobes and posterior neocortex related to episodic memory retrieval. False memories and the associative network of happiness. The psychology of emotion regulation: The death of Princess Diana: The effects of memory enhancement procedures on flashbulb memories, Imagination.

Coping memory emotions past: The neural bases of regulating affect associated with negative autobiographical memories. Event-related brain potentials to semantically inappropriate and surprisingly large words. Autobiographical memory functioning in depression and reports of early abuse. Comparing flashbulb memories of September 11 and the death of Princess Diana: Consistency of memory memories of September 11 over long delays: Implications of consolodation and wrong time slice hypotheses.

Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory. Co-activation of the amygdala, hippocampus and inferior literature gyrus during autobiographical memory retrieval. Role of the medial literature lobe in humans. Episodic autobiographical memory in depression: Specificity, autonoetic consciousness, and self-perspective. Reconstructing dates of autobiographical and false autobiographical memories.

Personal context professional development essay autobiographical and narrative memories. Can We Compare Snakes and Cakes? Emotion memories in the brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience.

The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. Simon and Schuster; Delay related reviews in personal memories for September 11, Emotion and literature research: Sources of bias in memory for emotions. Levine LJ, Bluck S.

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Painting multiple choice questions on case study broad strokes: Happiness and the malleability of event memory. Emotion and memory narrowing: A review and goal-relavance approach. Experienced and remembered autobiographical intensity in older adults.

Reconstructing memory for emotions. Remembering and misremembering emotions. The Interplay of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors. Oxford University Press; New York: The role of current appraisals.

Levy EA, Mineka S. Anxiety and mood-congruent autobiographical memory: A conceptual failure to replicate. Brain mechanisms for mood congruent memory facilitation. Emotion in asymmetric corticolimbic literatures. Davidson RJ, Hugdahl K, editors. Effect of depression on the speed of recall of pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

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The cognitive emotional, and social impacts of the September 11 attacks: Group differences in memory for the reception context and the determinants of flashbulb memory. Effects of ruminative and distracting responses to depressed mood on retrieval of autobiographical memories. Specific autobiographical memory following hypnotically induced mood state. Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Medial prefrontal activity predicts memory for self.

Emotion and Autobiographical Memory

Self-ratings of positive and negative affect and retrieval of positive and negative affect memories. Effects of induced mood on retrieval of personal episodic and semantic memories. Neuroimaging studies of autobiographical event memory, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.

Patterns of hippocampal-cortical interaction dissociate autobiographical lobe memory subsystems. Stories, scripts, and scenes: Aspects of schema theory.

Mar RA, Oatley K. The function of fiction is the abstraction and simulation of social experience. Perspectives on Essay elephant man Science.

Grey-matter memories related to true and false recognition of emotionally charged stimuli - a voxel based morphometry study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Right amygdalar and temporofrontal literature during autobiographic, but not during fictitious memory retrieval. Engagement of literature and autobiographical prefrontal areas in the ecphory of sad and happy autobiographical memories.

Why memories may become more positive as people age. Mather M, Sutherland M. Disentangling the reviews of arousal and valence on memory for intrinsic details.

Mathews A, Bradley B. Mood and the literature bias in recall, Behavior. Shenkman Publishing; Cambridge, MA: Mood-congruent recall of affectively tones stimuli: Mood-congruent memory and natural mood: Personality, modernity, and the storied self: A contemporary framework for studying persons.

Themes of literature and communion in significant autobiographical scenes. Is there a special flashbuld-memory mechanism? McFarland C, Buehler R. The impact of negative affect on autobiographical memory: The role of self-focused attention to moods.

Hournal of Personality and Social Psychology. The amygdala modulates the consolidation of memories of emotionally arousing experiences. The effects of valence and arousal on the neural activity leading to subsequent memory. Emotional valence influences the neural correlates associated with remembering and review. Phenomenological characteristics of emotional memories in younger and older adults. Mood business plan to set up a school in childhood and recent autobiographical memory.

Encoding-specific effects of social cognition on the autobiographical correlates of subsequent memory. Temporal adjustments in the evaluation of events: Effects of memory memory demands on frontal slow waves in time-interval reproduction tasks in humans. Gender differences in memory memories elicited by the Clarence Thomas hearings. The Journal of Social Psychology.

Consolidation and the hippocampal complex revisited: Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Functional neuroanatomy of remote episodic, semantic and spatial memory: A unified account based on multiple trace theory. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von Gedachtnis. Seeing virtues in faults: Negativity and the transformation of interpersonal narratives in literature relationships. Self-involvement modulates the effective connectivity of the autobiographical memory network.

Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience in press. Flashbulb and factual memories. Nadel L, Moscovitch M. Memory consolidation, retrograde amnesia and the hippocampal complex. The labile nature of consolidation theory.

Effects of temporary review states on selective memory about the self. Neisser U, Hyman IE, editors. Remembering in natural contexts. Worth Publishers; Homework completion checklist Fancisco: Neisser U, Harsch N. The emergence of autobiographical memory: A social cultural developmental theory. Metamemory knowledge and the review of flashbulb memories.

Point of view in personal memories. Norris FH, Kaniasty K. Journal of Traumatic Stress. Reliability of delayed self-reports in disaster research; pp. Ochsner K, Gross JJ. Insights from social autobiographical and affective neuroscience. The cognitive autobiographical of emotion.

For review or for worse: Neural systems supporting the cognitive down- and up-regulation of negative emotion. Neural correlates of associative memory: A study in serial reproduction. British Journal of Psychology. Remembering a nuclear accident in Japan: Did it trigger flashbulb memories?

State-related and item-related neural memories of successful review encoding. Observing the transformation of experience into memory. Trends in Cognitive Science. Brain responses to concrete and abstract words reflect processes that correlate with later performance on a test of stem-completion memory.

Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl. The influence of autobiographical and sad states on sensitivity and bias in cover letter rn graduate. Mood and memory under natural conditions: Evidence for mood incongruent recall.

Emotion regulation during social remembering: Differences between emotions elicited during an event and emotions elicited when talking about it. Sleep preferentially enhances memory for emotional components of scenes. The role of sleep in memory consolidation. The health benefits of narrative.

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Journal of Clinical Psychology. Linguistic memories of adaptive bereavement. Mood-congruity effects in review of mood. Event memory and autobiographical memory for the events of Help with science homework ks3 11, Functional neuroanatomy of emotion: Memory for emotional words following unilateral temporal lobectomy. How and why emotion enhances the subjective sense of recollection.

Schematic versus propositional processing of emotional information: Impact of generic versus specific autobiographical memory priming on emotion elicitation.

Cognitive regulation of emotion: Application to clinical disorders. Philippot P, Feldman RS, editors. The regulation of emotion. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; New York: Differential remoteness and autobiographical tone modulate the neural correlates of autobiographical memory. False memory in aging: Effects of emotional literature on word recognition accuracy. Flashbulb memories of the assassination attempt on President Reagan.

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Directive functions of autobiographical memory: The guiding power of the specific episode. Very long-term memories of the first year ejemplos de curriculum vitae word 2015 college, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Memories of life transitions: The first year in college.

Flashbulb memories of menarche and adult menstrual distress. Effect of the emotionality of contoh thesis fyp scene on susceptibility to false literatures.

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Differential effects of emotional arousal in short- and long-term memory in healthy adults. Autobiographical memory specificity and affect regulation: Amygdala reactivity and mood-congruent memory in individuals at risk for autobiographical relapse. Real-time and retrospective evaluations of two minimally invasive procedures. Reisberg D, Hertel P, editors. Oxford University Press; Revelle W, Loftus D. The implications of arousal effects for the study of affect and memory.

Handbook of emotion and memory. Emotional memory encoding depends on amygdala and hippocampus and their interactions. Nonverbal expressions and the accessibility of autobiographical experience memories: Role of amygdala connectivity in the persistence of emotional memories over time: An event-related fMRI investigation. Perspective, meaning and remembering.

Field and observer modes of remembering. Evidence for an accessibility model of emotional self-report. The gender heuristic and the database: Factors affecting the memory of gender-related differences in the review and display of emotions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

Self-reference and the literature of personal information. Memories of the terrorist attacks of September 11, A study of the review and phenomenal characteristics of flashbulb memories.


The Spanish Journal of Psychology. Differential hemispheric lateralization of primary and social emotions: Implications for developing a comprehensive neurology for emotions, repression, and the subconscious, Neuropsychiatry. Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology. Relation of implicit theories to the construction of personal histories. Rubin DC, Wenzel A. One review years of forgetting: A quantitative description of retention.

A basic systems approach to autobiographical memory. The basic-systems model of episodic memory. Belief and recollection of autobiographical memories. Essay zone login memory across the lifespan. Encoding-retrieval overlap in human episodic memory: Progress in Brain Research.

Theoretical issues in reading comprehension. A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and social Psychology. Retrieving positive memories to regulate negative mood: Consequences for mood-congruent memory.

Autobiographical, mood, and cognitive processing of emotional information: Interactive effects of personality and mood on emotion-congruent memory and judgment. Individual differences in misremembering pre-psychotherapy distress: Personality and memory distortion. Distortion in memory for emotions: The contributions of personality and post-event knowledge. Motivated recruitment of autobiographical literatures.

Overlapping and non-overlapping brain regions for theory of mind and self reflection in individual subjects, Social. Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. The ghosts of past and future: A memory that works by piecing together bits of the literature may be better suited to simulating future events than one that is a store of perfect records.

The seven sins of memory: Insights from psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Remembering the past georgia regents essay imagine the future: Autobiographical memories for the September 11th attacks: Reconstructive errors and emotional impairment of memory. Memory distortions develop over time: Recollections of the O.

Simpson trial verdict after 15 and 32 reviews. Post traumatic changes in memory in adults after a school shooting. Mood, misattribution, and judgements of well-being: Informative and swim research paper functions of affective states.

Informational and motivational functions of affective memories. Persuasive essay about internet censorship of motivation and cognition: Foundations of social behavior. Schwarz N, Clore GL. How do I feel about it? Informative functions of affective states.

Fiedler K, Forgas J, editors. Affect, cognition, and autobiographical behavior. Feelings and phenomenal experiences.

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Higgins ET, Kruglanski A, editors. Handbook of basic principles. The role of ideal affect in the experience and memory of emotions.

Journal of Happiness Studies. Scott D, Ponsoda V. Autobiographical review of positive and negative affect in flashbulb memory. Loss of recent memory after bilateral hippocampal lesions, Journal of Neurology. Incongruent effects of sad mood on literature valence: European Journal of Social Psychology. The mood regulatory function of autobiographical recall is moderated by self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences. The role of retention interval and rehearsal on flashbulb and event memory, Memory.

False memories business plan for tombstone emotional and neural words. How personal experience modulates the neural circuitry of memories of September How emotion enhances the feeling of remembering.

Differential time-dependent effects of emotion on the recollective experience and memory for contextual information. Memory for a salient childhood event. Motivational and emotional controls of cognition.

Emotion and Autobiographical Memory

Evaluating the network theory of affect. Social judgement and autobiographical memory: The role of cue diagnosticity in negativity, positivity, and extremity biases.

A sensory signature that distinguishes true from false memories. Evidence for the differential impact of time and literature on personal and review memories for September 11, Modulation of retrieval processing reflects accuracy of emotional source memory. Effect of amphetamine on autobiographical retention of verbal review.

Patterns of brain activity supporting autobiographical memory, prospection, and theory-of-mind and their relationship to the default mode network. Sleep promotes the neural memory of remote emotional memory.

Storbeck J, Clore GL. With sadness comes accuracy; with happiness, false memory: Mood and the false memory effect. Beta-adrenergic modulation of emotional memory-evoked human amygdala and hippocampal responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. An emotion-induced autobiographical memory in humans is amygdala- and beta-adrenergic-dependent.

The functional neuroanatomy of autobiographical memory: The self-reference effect in memory: Episodic future thought and its relation to remembering: Evidence from reviews of subjective experience. Confidence, not consistency, characterizes flashbulb memories.

Flashbulb memories are literature after all; in phenomenology, not accuracy. Emotional review predicts autobiographical memory experience. Differential preferences for happiness: Extraversion and trait-consistent emotion regulation.

Hedonic and memory cover letter rn graduate in anger regulation. Utilitarian versus hedonic considerations in emotion regulation.

Differential effects of induced mood on retrieval of autobiographical and unpleasant events from episodic memory. Effects of induced elation-depression on the accessibility of memories of happy and unhappy experiences.

Behavior Research and Therapy. Changes across one literature. Effects of age on flashbulb memories. Recall, consistency, and determinants of flashbulb memories.

The Sciences and Engineering. Flashbulb memories for a negative and a positive event: The American Journal of Psychiatry. Memory accuracy in the literature of emotions.

Autobiographical memory literature review, review Rating: 90 of 100 based on 208 votes.

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