20.10.2010 Public by Kazrazahn

Essay on role of students in development of society

Essay on “Students role for Development of the Country” in Hindi Essay on the Village Development is equal to Country’s Development in Hindi Essay on the Role .

Man is a social animal.

Hot Essays: Essay on Role of Youth in National Development

He can not live alone. Society provides all comforts and amenities of life. Hence every individual has an obligation towards the society.

Students, in particular can do a lot in this regard. India is a developing country. Students can prove themselves very doctoral dissertation traduzione in the noble work of its development.

Illiteracy is a curse for any nation. And it is unfortunate that most of our villages are illiterate.

Role of Education in Society Essay

They even do not know whatever is happening around them. The youth can help the rural people in many ways, by spreading education among them, by developing adult education and by removing ignorance from their life.

They can inspire them to keep small family by highlighting its benefits. They can persuade them to follow Family Planning, the mystery of all comforts.

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They can teach them to live in co-operation and work for their betterment. Students are the backbone of any society and the nation.

In times of emergencies like war, famine, floods, droughts 4 ps business plan. In such emergencies, students can be of great help.

Essay on the role of education in society

The youth of the society has unlimited vigour and vitality. Their potentialities must not be spoiled in negative direction. Culture here refers to a set of beliefs and skills, art, literature, philosophy, religion, music etc. They must be learned. This social heritage culture must be transmitted through social organisations.

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Education has this function of personal statement biology internship transmission in all societies. It is Only at the under leaves of the school that any serious attempt has been, or now is, made to deal with this area.

Education, everywhere has the function of the formation of social personalities. Education helps in transmitting culture through proper molding of social personalities.

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In this way, it contributes to the integration, to survive and to reproduce themselves. Education aims at the reformation of attitudes wrongly developed by children already. For various reasons the child may have absorbed a host of attitudes, beliefs and disbeliefs, loyalties and prejudices, jealously and hatred etc.

It is the function of education to see that unfounded beliefs, illogical prejudices and unreasoned loyalties are removed from the child's mind, though the school has its own limitations in this regard, it is expected to continue its efforts in reforming the attitudes of the child.

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An instrument of livelihood. Education has a practical and also it should help the adolescent for earning his livelihood. Education has come to be today as nothing more than an A haunted house essay of livelihood.

It should enable the student to take out his livelihood.

What is the role of students in society?

Education must prepare the student for future occupational positions, the youth should be enabled to play a productive role in society. Accordingly, great emphasis has been placed on vocational training. Conferring of status is one of the most important function of education. The amount of education one has, is correlated with his class position.

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17:02 Fetilar:
They may develop the habits of Reading and writing in day lights. Good students leads to not only a good India but also a good world.

22:57 Volrajas:
Instead they must be utilised in some noble cause. We have seen how the youth stand as one against the negative aspects like corruption, violence, terrorism and fight for the peace and security of the nation.

18:33 Zolocage:
Well, you should base your curriculum on general student needs for your population, and where the students need to get at the end of the program.

22:00 Zolozil:
They can help in maintaining internal peace and harmony, the only hope of humanity. The school instills co-operative values through civic and patriotic exhortation or advice.

23:25 Digrel:
Some governments view such attempts as illegal: With their efficient skills of interaction with other parts of the society, they communicate to the society about need for protecting environment. What is the role of a student role in uniting India?